
This site was created in 2022 by Max Schmit at the Chair of Hydrology at the University of Freiburg.

Author - content, structure, implementation and conception of the website

Max Schmit
Fahnenbergplatz - 79098 Freiburg
E-mail: max.schmit[at]

Max Schmit is at your disposal for questions, problems and comments.


Chair of Hydrology - Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg i.Br.
Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Markus Weiler
Fahnenbergplatz - 79098 Freiburg
Tel.: +49-(0)761 - 203 3530 - Fax: +49-(0)761 - 203 3594
E-mail: hydrology[at]
Tax identification number: DE 142116817

used images

The following image sources were used for this page:

used software

The following software packages got used for creating this website:

This list does not claim to be a complete list of all the software used, but only lists the main packages. We thank all the developers of these packages for their work, because without their work this project would not have been possible.
Certainly many more software packages were used that are not listed here. However, we would like to thank them as well.

Used datasets

For each Application on this website different data sources were used. Here you will find a list of data sources used depending for each Application:



The Chair of Hydrology as publisher and Max Schmit as author of the website do not assume any liability or guarantee for the correctness, reliability, completeness and accuracy of this website and its contents, including hyperlinked websites. The contents of this website have been researched and implemented with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, errors in the editing process cannot be excluded. The publisher and the author do not assume any responsibility for improper or inappropriate use of the services offered here by third parties.

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© HyFr (2025)